
 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India -TRAI

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India – TRAI

Established by an Act of Parliament, called the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997. TRAI is an independent regulator of Telecom Business in India.

Aims to regulate telecom services, including fixation/revision of tariffs for telecom services which were earlier vested in the Central Government.

Its mission is to create and nurture conditions for the growth of telecommunications in India to enable the country to have a leading role in the emerging global information society.

It also provides fair and transparent environment that promotes level playing field and facilitates fair competition in the market.

It also regularly issues orders and directions on various subjects such as tariffs, quality of service, interconnections, Direct To Home (DTH) services, and mobile number portability.

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TRAI also fixes or revises the tariffs for telecom services in India.

The TRAI Act was amended to establish a Telecommunications Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) to take over the adjudicatory and disputes functions from TRAI.

TDSAT was set up to adjudicate any dispute between a licensor and a licensee, between two or more service providers, between a service provider and a group of consumers, and to hear and dispose of appeals against any direction, decision order of TRAI.

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