
Manav Sampada (eHRMS- Electronic Human Resource Management System )

Manav Sampada (eHRMS- Electronic Human Resource Management System )

Manav Sampada (appropriately name for Human Capital, being the most important factor for the success of any Government, Organisation or Company) is a standard ICT solution for the Government sector, addressing maximum requirements of State Governments related to personnel management. 

  • The first and basic objective of Manav Sampada is to provide a generic, product based solution to the State/Central Government organisations for better management of personnel through electronic service record. 
  • It further assists the top management in knowing the exact number of employees, the retirement pattern, additional requirements in coming year for planning recruitments, funds required for retiring employees, re-allocation of surplus employees to other Departments/organisations within the State, ACR/ Property Return status, seniority lists etc.

Manav Sampada UPSC

  • After initial implementation of the Project in Himachal Pradesh, and realising the benefits accruing/foreseen, the MeitY (then DietY) provided funds to NIC Himachal Pradesh (for making Manav Sampada a Product) and Government of Jharkhand (for replicating the Project).
  • Accordingly, the software was converted into a Product and replicated first in Jharkhand, then in Bihar (Forest), Maharashtra (Jal Pradhikaran), Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh, Punjab, Assam, Tihar Jail, New Delhi, Telangana, Goa, Ministry of Water Resources, GoI, Puducherry covering almost 16.1 lakh service books all over the country.


Technology enhancement and application features Manav Sampada  

  • Cloud Hosting with Load Balancers: The software is hosted on NIC Cloud, Meghraj, with 5 load balancers to allow multiple simultaneous access by user States, with quick response times.
  • Easy on-boarding and user friendly interface: The software on boarding has been made easier and any State can fill up the form and the Demo site credentials are issued to the State along with the creation of State instance on the cloud.
  • Productization : The software has been converted as a Product following the Productization/ meta data standards of MeitY, using .Net MVC technology. 

  • The product version allows local customization as per State requirements, is easy to on-board, there are no costs related to hosting/ security audit individually for States, configurable parameters/ forms allow for minor customization at State level, additional requirements are met through funding support either to NIC HP or to the concerned State on their own.
  • Integration with AG office/ NSDL and eSalary software: The software has been integrated through web-services for providing the details of salary, GPF/ CPF details from the respective software in their employee dashboard.
  • This also ensures that estimated pension information / retirement benefits are available in the employee dashboard at a single location, completing the eService book entries.

  • Mobile Apps on Android and Apple platforms: Mobile apps on most popular platforms of Android and Apple have been developed for the employees to get their service book information and other related information, including applying for leaves/ tours.
  • SMS based alerts on transactions related to Transfer, Joining, APAR submission, reporting and reviewing: The employees get transaction alerts on their mobile number if there is any transaction in the Manav Sampada software, for immediate information. 
  • Single instance of SW catering to all States/ Organisations: The software is available to all States from a single location on the Internet with option to add on their images/ headers to present a different look. 

  • Open API for data sharing across other platform over web services (CM/DM Dashboard, e-Taal, Treasury etc.): e Governance standards MDDS-Demographic have been used for location parameters, names of individuals, Language Code and mobile numbers etc. 
  • Effective User Assistance: Form wise dynamic help for users, online service request and login based option for employees to raise and resolve their application queries online with their colleagues/administrators.

  • A central help desk on phone/emails answers to the queries of users who also have access to may You Tube videos prepared by users themselves for reference of their collegues.

  • Customizable Formats for different Functions: A customization multi-lingual form has been added in the software to enable a State to collect any kind of information, additionally, by defining the fields, labels, formats etc. 
  • Additional services have been added in the form of Pension papers generation, online leaves/ tours/other customization requests, integration with eSalary through web services and AG Office/ NSDL for GPF/CPF (for Himachal State), Online APAR/ACR/Property Returns, availability of dashboards, intelligent system for transfers, generation of pension papers, status of payments. 
  • This has added value for both the monitoring officials and employees.

Manav Sampada

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