National Crisis Management Committee
It is a committee set up by Government of India in the wake of natural calamity for effective coordination and implementation of relief measures and operations
It is country’s apex body to handle any emergency. This committee also issues directions to the Crisis Management Group
Crisis Management Group
It deals with matters relating to relief in the wake of major natural calamities. It includes Relief Commissioner and other nodal officers from various concerned Ministries.
Following are functions of the group
- To review contingency plans formulated by various Ministries
- To review measures required for dealing with a natural disaster
- To coordinate the activities of the Central Ministries and the State Governments in relation to disaster preparedness & re
At the national level, Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) and National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) are the key committees involved in the top-level decision-making with respect to Disaster Management (DM).
A National Crisis Management Committee(NCMC) has been constituted in the Cabinet Secretariat.
It deals with major crisis which have serious or national ramifications.
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Key functions:
Oversee the Command, Control and Coordination of the disaster response.
Give direction to the Crisis Management Group (CMG) as deemed necessary.
The composition of the Committee
Cabinet Secretary -Chairman,
Secretary to Prime Minister- Member
Secretary (MHA)- Member
Other secretaries of concerned Ministries/Departments & agencies
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