Aspirants preparing for the Civil Services Examination know that the real challenge lies in Mains Exam. Out of the total 2025 Marks in CSE, 1750 Marks are rewarded for Mains alone. The more the margin in which an aspirant clears the Mains, more is the chance for him/her to get into the top of the final rank list. No doubt, Mains is the crucial piece which everyone needs to master to come out with flying

Decoding the myth around Mains

We commonly find that many aspirants fail to clear Mains stage even in multiple attempts while some always clear with consistency. There are certain common mistakes done by the former category. We always try to accumulate maximum knowledge and content. In that process, We undermine the importance of revising the notes. Also most, unfortunately, We neglect the significance of Answer Writing. In the examination hall, such a strategy will backfire as We neither recollect the acquired content nor know how to structure the answer within the word limit. Similarly, we find many failing to clear the Mains stage even after doing answer writing programmes. These are common scenario because the focus is on writing more and more answers but without any focus on improvement in answers.

This is where Civils360’s MAINSURE  programme stays ahead on its own. View Details

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