Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP)

As skill upgradation trainings alone have limited impact on livelihood creation among the SHG members, it was thought prudent to create sustainable livelihoods among SHG members and to attain optimum benefit out of skill upgradation and a new scheme titled Livelihood and Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) was launched in December 2015. 

  • It envisages conduct of livelihood promotion programmes in clusters. There is provision for intensive training for skill building, refresher training, backward-forward linkages and handholding & escort supports. 
  • It also encompasses the complete value chain and offers end-to-end solution to the SHG members. 
  • It is to be implemented on a project basis covering 15 to 30 SHGs in a cluster of contiguous villages where from SHG members may be selected. 
  • The skill upgradation training is provided in batches of 25-30 members and covers agri & allied activities as well as rural off-farm sector activities. 
  • LEDP will not only facilitate promotion of sustainable livelihoods but also derive full advantage from promotional assistance. 
  • NABARD will provide grant support for skill upgradation programmes, establishment of demonstration unit and need based critical infrastructure. LEDP has been mainstreamed in May 2017.


  • To enhance the capacities of SHG members through identifying the skill gaps, appropriate skill upgradation, exposure visits, demonstrations and support for livelihood activities in the locality. 
  • To enhance the income levels of SHG members by taking up livelihood ac-tivities with credit support of banks through SHG or through individual/JLG mode. 
  • To develop a shared vision of change, enhance capacity/knowledge of SHG members for managing their enterprise, business development and marketing. 
  • To facilitate collaboration with Resource Agencies for provision of common infrastructure/ incidental services including establishing business tie-up arrangement or assured buy-back of the finished products.

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