CSIRs Indigen Project

It was implemented by the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), Delhi and CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad.

This has enabled benchmarking the scalability of genome sequencing and computational analysis at population scale in a defined timeline.

The ability to decode the genetic blueprint of humans through whole genome sequencing will be a major driver for biomedical science.


  • Epidemiology of genetic diseases to enable cost effective genetic tests.
  • Carrier screening applications for expectant couples.
  • Enabling efficient diagnosis of heritable cancers.
  • Pharmacogenetic tests to prevent adverse drug reactions

Need for genome sequencing:

Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome—the order of As, Cs, Gs, and Ts that make up an organism’s DNA. The human genome is made up of over 3 billion of these genetic letters.

  • The outcomes of the IndiGen will be utilized towards understanding the genetic diversity on a population scale, make available genetic variant frequencies for clinical applications and enable genetic epidemiology of diseases.
  • It is important to ensure that India, with its unparalleled human diversity, is adequately represented in terms of genomic data and develops indigenous capacity to generate, maintain, analyse, utilize and communicate large-scale genome data, in a scalable manner.


  • To understanding the “Indian Genome Variation”.
  • Pioneering collaborations in genomics has been fostered by CSIR both nationally and internationally.
  • The first personal human genome in India and in understanding ancestral population in India and early migrations that led to what we know today on distinct ethnic groups.
  • CSIR also pioneered the application of genomics in clinical settings in the area of rare genetic diseases in India by means of DNA/Genome based diagnostics and interaction with large number of clinical collaborators.


  • CSIR conducts Whole Genome Sequencing of over 1,000 Indians for Biomedical Applications.
  • predictive and preventive medicine with a faster and efficient diagnosis of rare genetic diseases.
  • The whole-genome data and know-how for the analysis of largescale genomic data is expected to enable evidence and aid in the development of technologies for clinical and biomedical applications in India.


  • The IndiGenome card and accompanying IndiGen mobile application that enables participants and clinicians to access clinically actionable information in their genomes.
  • It ensures privacy and data security, which is vital for personal genomics to be implemented at scale.
  • This is being pilot tested in individuals across India and has evinced interest from several Indian commercial organisations.

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