UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Test 3 – Modern India
UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Check All Mains Questions 1.. Analyse the trends in farmer movements in various parts of India during the British colonialism. (10 Marks) 2. Do you think the methods and policies adopted by the moderates are an act of appeasing the British? (10 Marks) 3. Evaluate the various factors led to the growth of Indian Nationalism. (10 Marks) 4. Evaluate the Ghadr movement and explain its impact on the revolutionary section of freedom fighters (10 Marks) 5. Do you agree with the view that the growth of vernacular literature in the 19th and the 20th centuries paved the way for social reform and cultural revival in India? (10 Marks) 6. “States reorganization did not resolve all the problems relating to linguistic conflicts” Comment. (15 Marks) 7. Whatcausedthede-industrialisationofIndianindustriesduringthe18thand 19th century? Comment (15 Marks) 8. The British investment in technology in the second half of the 19th century benefitted the British economy but gave impetus to the Indian freedom struggle. Comment (15 Marks) 9. “TocharacterizetheQuitIndiaMovementas‘SpontaneousRevolution’would be a partial interpretation, so also would be to look up at it as the culmination of Gandhian Satyagraha movements.” Elucidate. (15 Marks) 10. “The communalist tendencies of the societies were sown by the British but began to flower long after.” In this light evaluate the trend of the communalism in India? (15 Marks) Read India’s Foreign Policy Answer Key 1.. Analyse the trends in farmer movements in various parts of India during the British colonialism.Answer: The British administration from the 18th century onwards in India introduced structural changes in Indian economy, especially in the case of agriculture. They have transformed the agriculture through Permanent Land settlement system, commercialisation of agriculture etc. The peasants turned out to be impoverished under the triple burden of the Government, zamindar and money lenders. This led to the emergence of farmer movements in various parts of India such as Pabna Agrarian League, Eka Movement, Moplah rebellion, Kisan Sabha movement etc.Trends of farmer movements:● The farmer movements were mainly led by the peasant forces who were subject to extreme impoverishment under the new land tenure system.● Their major targets were not the colonialist rather it was the feudalists who subjected them to forced labour. The immediate enemies of the peasant such as foreign planters and indigenous zamindars and moneylenders were the prime target.● The peasants initially developed strong awareness of the legal rights and asserted them in and outside the courts. Later on during the 1940’s, under the communist influences the movement turned into guerilla movements like in Telangana movement.● The demands of the peasant movement were almost wholly on economic issues. However, such farmer movements have a general weakness such as: ● There was a lack of understanding of colonialism for the farmer movements.● The 19th century peasants did not possess a new ideology and new socio-political and economic programme.● There was no continuity of struggle or long term organisation. Until the Champaran Satyagraha of1916, the farmer movements were not linked to the nationalist freedom struggle.● The early phase of Indian National Congress was dominated by the moderates who were notsympathetic to the cause of farmer movements.The concerns of the farmers were duly addressed after the independence. The evolution of the farmer movements and the cause of peasants were addressed post independence by the constitution makers through land reform measures. Although its implementation is yet to be successful, it still eroded the power of the higher class. 2. Do you think the methods and policies adopted by the moderates are an act of appeasing the British? Answer: Moderates were a group of political leaders in India active between 1885 and 1905. Their emergence marked the beginning of the organised national movement in India. The major leaders during this period are Dadabhai Naoroji, W.C. Bannerjee etc. The methods adopted by the moderates involve constitutional agitation, prayers, petitions and protests within the confines of law. The major methods involved by the moderates include create strong public opinion to arouse consciousness and national spirit and then educate and unite people on common political questions. The acts of moderates are an act of appeasing British because: ● They worked to persuade British government and British public opinion to introduce reforms in India. ● They believed in the providential mission of Britishers in India. They wanted to reform the British rule and not remove the British rule from India. ● They preferred the idea of the rule under Britishers and did not advocate for the Swaraj propounded by the Extremists. Yet, their contribution did not completely appease the British because: ● They advocated for legislative expansions and constitutional reforms which were partially granted by the Council of India Act,1892. ● They criticised the aggressive foreign policy of Britishers, argued for better treatment of indentured labourers abroad. ● Leaders like Naoroji, R.C. Dutt etc. propounded the idea of economic drain of wealth and sent petitions to the Britishers wanting reforms in it. ● Similarly, they worked for the granting of basic rights like right to speech, association, free press etc. The Moderates laid down a strong foundation in the nationalist freedom struggle. The extremists were able to function effectively due to the strong base laid down by the moderates. 3. Evaluate the various factors led to the growth of Indian Nationalism. Answer: Indian nationalism is a byproduct of the British colonial policies and the growth of indigenous factors associated with it. The various factors that helped develop nationalism are:Negative drivers:● Understanding contradictions between the aims of British rule and Indian nationals. Eg: Britishers in economic drain of wealth.● Racist policies adopted by the Britishers post 1857 revolt.● Imperialist policies adopted by the Britishers through the Permanent Land settlement system, deindustrialisation of Indian industries etc. caused a spur in nationalist movements.● Aggressive foreign policies such as in Burma, Afghanistan etc. caused resentment among thepeople. Positive drivers:● Impact of social reform movements such as Brahma Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission etc. developed ideals of humanity, rationality etc.● Emergence of modern education, western middle class intelligentsia etc. triggered the growth of nationalism.● Socio economic unity through development of railways, posts etc. helped spread the messages
UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Test 4
UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Check All Mains Questions 1. What do you understand by the theory of continental drift? Discuss the prominent evidence in its support. (10 Marks) 2. Discuss the growth, location and distribution of Iron and Steel Industry in India. (10 Marks) 3. Make a comparative study of the tropical and temperate cyclones. (10 Marks) 4. Why the Pacific ring of fire has a high concentration of volcanoes and high risk of earthquakes? (10 Marks) 5. Discuss the relevance of ‘watershed’ as an ecosystem for the purpose of sustainable development. (10 Marks) 6. “Urban Solid Waste Management poses the greatest challenge in metropolitan planning.” Elaborate. (15 Marks) 7. Evaluate the role of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean. (15 Marks) 8. Do you think a detailed study of lunar surface and structure could help in understanding the Earth better? Also, explain the objectives of the Juno mission in this regard. (15 Marks) 9. Define air masses. How do they originate? Classify them and state the characteristics of any one type. (15 Marks) 10. With the development of electronic industry, the requirement of rare earth minerals is increasing day by day. Discuss the availability and spread of rare earth minerals across India and the world. (15 Marks) Answer Key 1.What do you understand by the theory of continental drift? Discuss the prominent evidence in its support. Answer: German scientist Alfred Wegener during early 20th century proposed a theory that the continental landmasses were drifting across the Earth from about 200 million years ago. He called this movement or Continental Drift. Wegener believed that all the continents had once been joined in a single super continent . This huge ancient landmass is known as Pangea which existed about 240 million years ago and the superocean was known as Panthalassa. By about 200 million years ago, this super continent began breaking up into two parts namely Gondwanaland and Laurasia separated by Tethys Sea. Pangaea eventually separated into pieces that moved away from one another. These pieces slowly assumed their present positions as the continents. Factors supporting continental drift: ● Wegener noticed that the coasts of Western Africa and eastern South America looked like the edges of interlocking pieces of a jigsaw puzzle which fit each other well.● Fossils of the ancient reptile mesosaurus are only found in southern Africa and South America. It could not have swum the Atlantic Ocean rather it is found in both locations due to the continents being together in geological timescale.● The Caledonian and Hercynian mountains of Europe and the Appalachians of USA seem to be one continuous series.● Presence of placer deposits, tillite deposits in all the continents etc. are also a factor that support the continental drift.● Carboniferous age glacial sediments, whose presence is observed in several parts also indicates the unity of several continents into one land unit before.● Common fossil evidences as shown in the figure from different regions are also a factor that support the theory. The theory of continental drift however faced criticism as it was unable to explain the forces behind the movement of continents. The tidal forces and gravitational forces mentioned by Alfred Wenger was not sufficient to explain the continental movements. The emergence of sea floor spreading theories, plate tectonics etc. became an advancement on the continental drift theory. 2. Discuss the growth, location and distribution of Iron and Steel Industry in India. Answer: India produces 101 million metric tons of iron and steel annually making it the third largest producer of the same in the world. The growth of the industry is affected by the availability of suitable geographical factors like raw material, electricity, water resources and other non geographical factors like power resources, skilled labour, adequate land etc. Iron and steel industry is a weight loss industry. The growth phase of the industry followed the following phases in India:● Proximity to raw materials: The industries initially were located closer to the iron ore rich areas like Chotanagpur plateau, Kudremukh etc.● Proximity to market: With the advent of technology, modern means of processing emerged and also the rise of urban cities enabled the establishment of such industries near the urban markets.● Port centred industries: The next phase of industries became port centred. They focus on exporting the iron ores to the global nations like Japan etc. Such industries are mainly concentrated around Vizag, Paradip etc.● Mini iron and steel industries: The latest set of evolution in such industries are the emergence of mini iron and steel plants. They require less land as well and can be set up in small towns. Location and distribution of iron and steel plant:● The largest iron ore reserves in India are located around the Chotanagpur Bastar region. The Bailadila mines, Dalli- Rajhara mines etc in Chattisgarh provide the inputs for the industries like Korba.● The reserves from the Bababudan hills are important in the existence of the plants in Karnataka such as Bhadravati iron and steel plant.● The detail distribution of the iron and steel plant is given below: 3.Make a comparative study of the tropical and temperate cyclones. Answer: In meteorology, a cyclone is a large scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones are characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate about a zone of low pressure. Parameter Tropical Cyclone Temperate Cyclone Latitude Primarily confined to5 – 30 North andSouth latitudes. Visible between 30-66 North and South ofthe equator. Geographical Area Much lesser. About 50-100 km. They stretch over 500 to 600 km. Time/Season Late summer period. ( Between September- November) Occur mostly in winter, late autumn and spring Formation They form only on seas with temperature more than 26- 270 C. Can form both on landas well as seas Wind Velocity Much greater (100 – 250 kilometre per hour). Lower. (30-150 kmph) Direction Wind moves mainly from east to west Moves mainly from west to east direction. Destruction More destruction(storm surges, a sudden pour of rains) Less destruction, often a pleasant climate) Time Period Mainly exists for 3-4 days. Often dissipatesonce entering the land More time period. Oftenexists for about threeto four weeks Driving Force Derives its energy from the latent heat of condensation. The energy of a temperate cyclone dependson the variation inproperties of air masses. Influence on India . Both coasts affected. But
La Nina effect
La Nina effect What is La Nina effect ? La Nina, the “cool phase” of ENSO, is a pattern that describes the unusual cooling of the tropical eastern Pacific. La Nina events may last between one and three years, unlike El Nino, which usually lasts no more than a year. Both phenomena tend to peak during the Northern Hemisphere winter. La Nina means The Little Girl in Spanish. It is also sometimes called El Viejo, anti-El Nino, or simply “a cold event.” La Nina events represent periods of below-average sea surface temperatures across the east-central Equatorial Pacific. It is indicated by sea-surface temperature decreased by more than 0.9℉ for at least five successive three-month seasons. The La Nina event is observed when the water temperature in the Eastern Pacific gets comparatively colder than normal, as a consequence of which, there is a strong high pressure over the eastern equatorial Pacific. La Nina is caused by a build-up of cooler-than-normal waters in the tropical Pacific, the area of the Pacific Ocean between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. La Nina is characterized by lower-than-normal air pressure over the western Pacific. These low-pressure zones contribute to increased rainfall. La Nina events are also associated with rainier-than-normal conditions over southeastern Africa and northern Brazil. However, strong La Nina events are associated with catastrophic floods in northern Australia. La Nina is also characterized by higher-than-normal pressure over the central and eastern Pacific. This results in decreased cloud production and rainfall in that region. Drier-than-normal conditions are observed along the west coast of tropical South America, the Gulf Coast of the United States, and the pampas region of southern South America. La Nina influences the Indian subcontinent by piping in cold air from Siberia and South China, which interacts with the tropical heating to produce a north-south low-pressure system. The cold air of La Nina associated with this north-south trough tends to extend much further south into India. .
India-Russia Relations
India-Russia Relations Russia has been a longstanding and time-tested partner for India. Development of India-Russia relations has been a key pillar of India’s foreign policy Since the signing of “Declaration on the India-Russia Strategic Partnership” in 2000, India-Russia ties have acquired a qualitatively new character with enhanced levels of cooperation in almost all areas of the bilateral relationship including political, security, defence, trade and economy, science and technology, and culture. India-Russia Relation – Background India and Russia have enjoyed good relations since 1947 wherein Russia helped India in attaining its goal of economic self-sufficiency through investment in areas of heavy machine-building, mining, energy production and steel plants India and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in August 1971 which was the manifestation of shared goals of the two nations as well as a blueprint for the strengthening of regional and global peace and security. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, India and Russia entered into a new Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in January 1993 and a bilateral Military-Technical Cooperation agreement in 1994. In 2000 both countries established a Strategic Partnership. In 2010, the Strategic Partnership was elevated to the level of a “Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership”. Areas of Cooperation Defence partnership – Defence ties are one of the highly influential aspects of India-Russia relations. Relations include technology transfer, joint development, marketing & selling and export of equipment. It has provided significant enhancement to India’s indigenous defence manufacturing. Some of the major defence collaboration programs are: BrahMos Cruise Missile program, Sukhoi Su-30 and Tactical Transport Aircraft. Energy Security – In Energy sector Russia has built nuclear reactors in India (Kudankulam reactors), adopted strategic vision in nuclear energy, offered oil, gas and investment opportunities in the fuel sector of Russia e.g., Sakhalin I etc. Space technology – India and Russia have a four-decade strong relationship in the field of space The former Soviet Union launched India’s first two satellites, Aryabhata and Bhaskar Russia has provided India Cryogenic technology to build heavy rockets Global Partnership – Russia has supported India’s bid for permanent seat in UNSC It has been favouring Indian entry to Nuclear Supplier Group Both countries coordinate each other over various forums including BRICS, SCO, G20 etc. Cultural Cooperation – From people-to-people contacts (through programs like ‘Namaste Russia’) to sharing educational brilliance of both the countries through institutes like Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, both the countries have had good cultural links There is strong interest among Russian people in Indian dance, music, yoga and Ayurveda As Russia and India both desire a multi-polar world, they are equally important for each other in fulfilling each other’s national interests. However, due to the changing geopolitical scenario, the relationship between both countries is not as good as it used to be in the cold war era. Read India’s Foreign Policy Reasons for recent Divergence in Relation India’s recent proximity to the United States – Rapidly expanding ties and growing defence relationship between India and US, and India joining QUAD group led by the US has led to a strategic shift in Russia’s foreign policy, pushing it to align with China. Defence partnership – India has been recently diversifying its defence relations with US, Israel, etc, leading to a reduction in Russia’s share of Indian defence imports. One Dimensional Trade – India Russia trade has been mostly restricted to defence trade. Trade in 2017-18 was $10.7 billion, which is far below potential in comparison to India’s trade with China ($89.7 billion), the United States ($74.5 billion). Other challenges in boosting trade – number of issues that hinder India-Russia trade, like, connectivity issues, distance, weak banking links, cumbersome regulations on both sides and Russia’s restrictive visa regime. Change in Russia’s foreign policy posture – tilting towards Pakistan, China and even recognizing Taliban. Pakistan – conducted military exercise; signed a military-technical cooperation agreement for arms supply and weapon development. China – increasing strategic military relations between the two nations; Russia selling advanced military technology to China; endorsing China’s One Belt One Road initiative. Differences over the Indo-Pacific – Both India and Russia have a difference of opinion in understanding the concept of the Indo-Pacific. Russia opposes the term Indo-Pacific as the term is primarily a US-led initiative aimed to contain China and Russia. Russia does not accept the concept of QUAD. Instead, Russia supports the concept of Asia Pacific. Russia is important to India as it could help to balance Chinese aggression in the region (Russia organized India-China meeting for peace talks after deadly clashes in Galwan Valley), for combating terrorism (early finalization of India’s proposed Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism) and for support at Multilateral forums like UNSC, NSG, etc. Similarly, India is significant for Russia as it wants India’s help to lessen its growing dependence on China, to revive Eurasian Economic Union and help Russia re-establish its hegemony. Steps taken to Address the Downturn in Relationship Sochi Informal Summit 2018 – The strategic partnership between the two has been elevated into a “special privileged strategic partnership”. Reinforced defence ties – both countries finalized Su-400 air defence systems and nuclear-powered submarine (Chakra III) deal, construction of Ka-226 helicopters in India under Make in India initiative. Improving Trade Relations – India Russia Strategic Economic Dialogue was started in 2018 to achieve the target of $30 billion investment goal by 2025 between both the countries India participated in Eastern Economic Forum (2020) which aims to support the economic development of Russia’s resource rich Far East. India has extended a $1 billion line of credit for the development of this region. Also, proposal for maritime route between Chennai and Vladivostok has been made. Strengthening Energy cooperation – Cooperation in development of oil in Russia including its arctic shelf and joint development of projects on the shelf of the Pechora and Okhotsk Seas. For increasing connectivity both sides called for the development of International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC). Read Full GS Notes Potential Areas for Deepening Ties Connectivity – There is scope for improvement in trade between Russia and India if the international North-South corridor through Iran, and the Vladivostok-Chennai Sea route can be operationalised. Technology – India can benefit from hi-tech cooperation with Russia in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, outer
UPSC Prelims Mock Test 4 – GS Paper 1
UPSC Prelims Mock Test 4 – GS Paper 1 UPSC Prelims Mock Test 4 – GS Paper 1 Check All Prelims Mock Questions 1. RTS,S or Mosquirix recently in news indicates which of the following?(a)A mosquito-borne infection causing yellow fever, malaria and various types of brain infection.(b)A study on mosquitoes conducted by Wildlife Research Center wing of Kyoto University in Japan.(c)First malaria vaccine candidate to receive a positive scientific opinion from the European Medicines Agency.(d)Initiative by an NGO in Africa to help the people suffering from the mosquito-borne diseases. 2. Consider the following statements regarding our solar system:1.The first three planets,ie, Mercury, Venus and Earth are called the inner planets2.The first four planets, ie, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the Terrestrial planets due to their rocky appearance.Which of the above statements is/are true?(a)1 only(b)2 only(c)Both 1 and 2(d)Neither 1 nor 2 3. Consider the following statements regarding Ayushmaan Bharat:1.The scheme will provide a cover of up to Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year, for primary health care costs.2.The scheme is available only to people categorised as Below Poverty Line under the PDS system.3.It is being implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Which of the above statements is/are not true?(a) 2 only(b) 1 and 2(c) 2 only(d) 1, 2 and 3 4. Consider the following statements with reference to ‘National Crisis Management Committee:1. National Crisis Management Committee has been constituted under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.2. Prime minister is the ex-officio chairman of NCMC.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2 5. Atmospheric temperature decreases with height in the troposphere because:(a) Air at higher altitude is less dense(b) Solar radiation is less at higher level(c) There are more atmospheric gases at higher altitudes(d) The atmosphere is heated by radiation from the surface 6. Which of the following is/are considered as the process of coral bleaching?1. Loss of symbiotic algae, zooxanthellae, from the corals.2. Overexposure of the corals near the coastline to the sediments.3. Destruction of coral reefs due to bottom trawling and overexploitation of fisheries.Select the correct answer using the code given below:(a) 1 and 2 only(b) 3 only(c) 1 only(d) 1 and 3 only 7. Which of the following can cause an increase in non-communicable diseases?1.Usage of tobacco products.2.Increased consumption of fast foods3.Increase in the number of mosquitoes in the urban regions4.Increased usage of alcohol5.Decreased physical activities and exercises among youth. Select the correct answer using the codes given below:(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4(b) 1, 2, 3 and 5(c) 1, 2, 4 and 5(d) All the above 8.Which of the following statements is not true regarding the evolution of the earth?(a)Planet earth initially was a barren, gaseous and hot object with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium(b)From the outermost end of the atmosphere to the centre of the earth,the material that exists is not uniform(c)Due to the process of differentiation the earth forming material got separated into different layers.(d)As earth cooled, the water vapor fell as rain, to fill all the depressions and form oceans. 9.Consider the following statements regarding the Monsoon System:1. The monsoon of southern and eastern Asia is driven by the location and size of the Asian landmass and its proximity to the Indian Ocean.2. The wind and pressure patterns in the upper air circulation are associated with the generation of monsoonal flows.Which of the above statements is/are true?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2 10. Consider the following statements about Dead Zones:1. They are found only in the oceans and not in other water bodies.2.Once an area becomes deadzone, it cannot be reclaimed back into life.Select the correct answer using the code given below:(a)1 only(b)2 only(c)Both 1 and 2(d)Neither 1 nor 2 UPSC Complete Booklist 11. Which of the following given below most appropriately defines the term “regolith”?(a) It is a layer of loose and unconsolidated deposits covering the solid rock of Earth.(b) It is the soil organic matter formed by the decomposition of materials by soil microorganisms.(c) It is the commercially viable component of soil suitable for mining purposes.(d) It is a wetland dominated by herbaceous plant species compared to woody plant species. 12.Which of the following statement best describes the term ‘Regulatory Sandbox (RS)’?(a) Live testing of new products or services in a controlled environment in the financial sector.(b) Set of Global regulations for startups to avoid systemic risks.(c) It is a global database of rules and regulations related to environmental protection.(d) It is an e-platform aimed at increasing theinterconnectedness between different regulatory authorities in the financial sector. 13. Consider the following statements:1. The 15th Finance Commission’s high level roundtable on ‘Fiscal Relations across levels of government’ was co-chaired by Prime minister and finance commission chairman.2. The roundtable was organised in partnership with the World Bank, OECD and ADB.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2 14. Consider the statements regarding Impact Bond:1.Impact Bonds are marketable bonds where repayment is contingent on the outcomes of the project they fund.2.Impact Bond’s repayment by the government is only triggered if certain predetermined targets are achieved.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(a)1 only(b)2 only(c)Both 1 and 2(d)Neither 1 nor 2 15. Consider the following statements regarding the earth’s atmosphere:1.The early atmosphere, with hydrogen and helium is supposed to have been stripped off as a result of the solar winds2.During the cooling of the earth, gases and water vapour were released from the interior solid earth3.The process through which the gases were outpoured from the interior is called degassingWhich of the statements given above is/are correct?(a)1 and 2 only(b)2 and 3 only(c)1 and 3 only(d)1,2 and 3 16. Consider the following statements about ‘Coalition for DisasterResilient Infrastructure:1.It is an India led initiative that aims to work towards a common goal of having infrastructure resilient to climate and disaster.2.CDRI was established under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.3.Recently India has pledged Rs 480 crore for setting up
UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Test 5

Check All Mains Questions 1.. Keeping the recent developments in view, how can the energy crisis of India be circumvented by harnessing non-conventional energy resources? (10 Marks) 2. Make a critical appraisal of the factors affecting river water quality in India. (10 Marks) 3. Give a reasoned account on the increasing interstate migration in India. (10 Marks) 4. Discuss the role of inland water transport in the regional development of India. (10 Marks) 5. What are the factors affecting the sustainable development of North East India? Discuss the role of UDAN scheme in this regard. (10 Marks) 6. Defining agro forestry, examine its prospects and challenges in improving the livelihood of farmers in India. (15 Marks) 7. “Hidden and messy urbanisation in India often comes with socio-economic and ecological cost”. In the light of this statement, discuss measures for inclusive urbanisation in India. (15 Marks) 8. Ecological hotspots in India are not detrimental to development rather it opens up opportunities for sustainable development. Analyse the statement in light of Western Ghats and Kasturirangan report. (15 Marks) 9. Describe the salient features of the Sagar Mala Project highlight its role in port-led development of coastal regions in India. (15 Marks) 10. Discuss the role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the economic development of backward regions in India. (15 Marks) Answer Key 1. Keeping the recent developments in view, how can the energy crisis of India be circumvented by harnessing non-conventional energy resources? (10 Marks) Answer: Non conventional energy resources are those which are non exhaustible in general and extracted using unconventional methods. They are a vital alternative to the non renewable sources of energy like coal, petroleum etc. to circumvent the energy crisis faced by India. India is dependent upon the coal for thermal energy production. About 60% of energy is sourced using coal as raw material. Even though India has started to produce surplus energy for its requirements, it faces high amount of AT&C losses in distribution and supply of power making it energy deficient. Energy crisis of India can be circumvented by harnessing non conventional energy resources through: Solar Energy: Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal power production can be done through new technologies such as off grid solar production, grid connected solar technology etc. Wind Energy: Wind-Solar photovoltaic hybrid system, wind offshore turbines, reducing the tariffs associated with wind energy components etc. can enhance the production. Biomass Energy: The biological material derived from living can be harnessed through composting the municipal solid waste, manufacturing waste etc. and also through burning the timber. It is also necessary to develop technology for biorefineries that will convert biomass into a range of valuable fuels, chemicals, materials, and products Hydro Energy: Large and Small hydroelectric power plants produce electricity using turbines and generators, construction of dam across the rivers to harness its renewable energy potential. In addition to this, different technologies have been developed to harness the unconventional source of energy like Coal Bed Methane, shale gas etc. Nuclear energy is harnessed by recycling the already used fuel in a breeder reactor and it produces more fuel than it consumes while also producing additional energy for India. Indian Government has already initiated plans and policies to meet the renewed energy demands. As part of combating the energy crisis, India has enhanced its commitment to produce 450 giga watts of renewable energy. 2. Make a critical appraisal of the factors affecting river water quality in India. (10 Marks) Answer: With nearly 70% of water being contaminated, India is placed at 120th amongst 122 countries in the water quality index. Water pollution: It is a serious problem in India as almost 70 per cent of its surface water resources and a growing percentage of its groundwater reserves are contaminated by biological, toxic, organic, and inorganic pollutants. Overexploitation of groundwater through unsustainable irrigation practises like canal irrigation, borewell irrigation etc. cause arsenic, fluoride contamination. The hinterland regions, areas where net evaporation takes place etc. constitute areas of water salinity. The coastal regions of India are affected by the mean sea level rise and as a result, the saline water intrudes into the coastal regions as well. Industrial effluents are discharged into the river water without any water quality treatment. About 70 percent of the effluents are not treated and disposed off into the environmental media untreated.Eg: Kanpur leather industry into river Ganga, River Bellandur in Bengaluru. Agricultural fields use excess nutrients through chemical fertilisers which in turn cause nutrient runoff into the nearby river bodies causing eutrophication. Measures to improve water quality: Mobilize community participation: States should tap into the local knowledge base of problems and challenges surrounding water supply systems, while ensuring true representation through partnerships with NGOs and other relevant organizations. Decentralize O&M and pricing: Governments need to allow local bodies to implement, maintain, and price local drinking water supply. This ensures a strong incentive structure where the people most affected by the supply are the ones responsible for its maintenance and sustainability. Provide adequate capacity building and technical support: Community efforts should be supplemented by support in the form of investments, technical know-how, financial management skills, etc. 3. Give a reasoned account on the increasing interstate migration in India. (10 Marks) Answer: The Economic Survey of India 2017 estimates that the magnitude of inter-state migration in India was close to 9 million annually between 2011 and 2016. The reasons for the increasing inter state migration in India is: Pull factor: Urbanisation: Most common type of migration is movement towards other states due to urbanisation in nearby states. People move there for better employment, better standard of living etc. Ecological conditions of the destination are also a factor for migration. The soil fertility, prospects of agricultural productivity, water availability etc. cause influx of migrants. Push factor: Agricultural factors: The states like Punjab and Haryana are prosperous in agriculture due to the success of the Green Revolution. Migrants move to these states from UP, Bihar etc during harvest periods. Resource crunch: Many of the states face extreme resource
UPSC Prelims Mock Test 5 – CSAT
UPSC Prelims Mock Test 5 – CSAT Check All Prelims Mock Questions Download Full CSAT Questions-(Recommended) Directions for the following 3 (three) items : In each of these questions, various terms of a series are given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term : 1. 4, 9, 16, 25, ?(a)32(b)42(c)55(d)36 2. 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, ?(a)60(b)64(c)70(d)72 3. 79, 87, ? , 89, 83(a)80(b)81(c)82(d)88 Directions for the following 7 (seven) items : Read the following three passages and answer the items that follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage 1 Education, without a doubt, has an important functional, instrumental and utilitarian dimension. This is revealed when one asks questions such as ‘what is the purpose of education?’. The answers, too often, are ‘to acquire qualifications for employment/ upward mobility’, ‘wider/higher (in terms of income) opportunities’, and ‘to meet the needs for trained human power in diverse fields for national development’. But in its deepest sense education is not instrumentalist. That is to say, it is not to be justified outside of itself because it leads to the acquisition of formal skills or of certain desired psychological – social attributes. It must be respected in itself. Education is thus not a commodity to be acquired or possessed and then used, but a process of inestimable importance to individuals and society, although it can and does have enormous use value. Education then, is a process of expansion and conversion, not in the sense of converting or turning students into doctors or engineers, but the widening and turning out of the mind—the creation, sustenance and development of self-critical awareness and independence of thought. It is an inner process of moral-intellectual development. 4.What do you understand by the ‘instrumentalist’ view of education?(a)Education is functional and utilitarian in its purposes.(b)Education is meant to fulfil human needs.(c)The purpose of education is to train the human intellect.(d)Education is meant to achieve moral development. 5.According to the passage, education must be respected in itself because(a)it helps to acquire qualifications for employment(b)it helps in upward mobility and acquiring social status(c)it is an inner process of moral and intellectual development(d)All the (a), (b) and (c) given above are correct in this context. 6.Education is a process in which(a)students are converted into trained professionals.(b)opportunities for higher income are generated.(c)individuals develop self-critical awareness and independence of thought.(d)qualifications for upward mobility are acquired. Passage 2 Now India’s children have a right to receive at least eight years of education, the gnawing question is whether it will remain on paper or become a reality. One hardly needs a reminder that this right is different from the others enshrined in the Constitution, that the beneficiary – a six year old child cannot demand it, nor can she or he fight a legal battle when the right is denied or violated. In all cases, it is the adult society which must act on behalf of the child. In another peculiarity, where a child’s right to education is denied, no compensation offered later can be adequate or relevant. This is so because childhood does not last. If a legal battle fought on behalf of a child is eventually won, it may be of little use to the boy or girl because the opportunity missed at school during childhood cannot serve the same purpose later in life. This may be painfully true for girls because our society permits them only a short childhood, if at all. The Right to Education (RTE) has become law at a point in India’s history when the ghastly practice of female infanticide has resurfaced in the form of foeticide. This is “symptomatic of a deeper turmoil” in society which is compounding the traditional obstacles to the education of girls. Tenacious prejudice against the intellectual potential of girls runs across our cultural diversity and the system of education has not been able to address it. 7.With reference to the passage, consider the following statements :1.When children are denied education, adult society does not act on behalf of them.2.Right to Education as a law cannot be enforced in the country.Which of the statements given above is/are correct?(a)1 only(b)2 only(c)Both 1 and 2(d)Neither 1 nor 2 Passage 3 Modern economic theory does not differentiate between renewable and non-renewable materials, as its approach is to measure everything by means of a money price. Thus, taking various alternative fuels like coal, oil, wood and water-power; the only difference between them recognised by modern economics is relative cost per equivalent unit. The cheapest is automatically the one to be preferred, as to do otherwise would be irrational and uneconomic. From a Buddhist point of view, of course, this will not do since the essential difference between non- renewable fuels like coal and oil on the one hand and renewable sources like wind power and water-power on the other cannot be simply overlooked. Non- renewable goods must be used only if their use is indispensable, and then only with the greatest care and highest concern for conservation. To use them carelessly or extravagantly is an act of violence, and while complete non- violence may not be possible on this earth, it is nonetheless a duty of man to aim at the ideal of non-violence in all he does. 8.Which of the following statements is/are correct on the basis of information in the above passage?1.Buddhist economists totally prohibit the use of nonrenewable source2.The attitude of modern economists towards natural resources is uneconomic.3.Complete non-violence is not possible.Select the correct answer using the code given below:(a)1 only(b)2 only(c)3 only(d)1 and 3 9.The Buddhist viewpoint implies:(a)conservation should be given the highest consideration(b)hydel projects are highly capital intensive(c)oil is to be preferred since it does not produce ash(d)money economics should govern the choice of energy sources 10.Buddhist economists are not in favour of:(a)economic development(b)world economy being governed by oil prices(c)using non-renewable sources indiscriminately(d)harnessing wind energy Directions for the following 2 (two) items :In each of the two following questions, four
India US Relations
India – US Relations India-U.S. bilateral relations have developed into a “global strategic partnership”, based on shared democratic values, and growing convergence of interests on bilateral, regional, and global issues. Regular exchange of high-level political visits, vibrant people-to-people interaction, and support across the political spectrum in both countries have nurtured and provided with sustained momentum in this bilateral relationship. India-USA Relation – Background During the cold war, India got tilted towards the Soviet Union after the 1971 Friendship Treaty, which was a response to the continuing U.S. tilt towards Pakistan and the beginnings of convergence between US and China But in the post-cold war era, there has been a convergence in the interests of India and USA which can be attributed to several factors like – shift in global geopolitics in the post-Cold War era, India’s economic ascent, the rise of an assertive China, and India’s place on the global high table. Thus, the relation between India and the US transformed from being Estranged democracies (during the cold war) to Strategic partners (in the post-cold war era). Over the years, India-US relations have become increasingly multi-faceted, covering cooperation in areas such as trade, defense and security, education, science and technology, civil nuclear energy, space technology and applications, environment, and health. Areas of Cooperation Shared ideals – The U.S-India partnership has its foundation in common values, including the rule of law and democratic principles, interests in promoting global security, stability, and economic prosperity through trade, investment, and connectivity. Economic relations – US is India’s largest trading partner and inbound FDI from the US is more than $50 billion. In 2019, overall U.S.-India bilateral trade in goods and services reached $146.1 billion. Energy cooperation – US India launched a bilateral Strategic Energy Partnership in 2018 to enhance energy security, bolster strategic alignment, etc India has started importing Crude and LNG from US recently. Investment by Indian companies like Reliance, Essar and GAIL in the U.S. natural gas market is ushering in a new era of India-U.S. energy partnership. Nuclear Cooperation – India US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement was signed in 2008. Signing of commercial agreement for Westinghouse (US Company) to build six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh. High-Level Dialogue Mechanisms – India and the U.S. have more than 50 bilateral inter-governmental dialogue mechanisms for exchange of views on issues of mutual interest. 2+2 Annual Ministerial Dialogue is led by the Foreign and the Defence Ministers of India and then U.S. counterparts. Global Partnership – both are part of Quad grouping, and collaborate on forums like East Asia Summit, G-20 U.S has expressed strong support for India’s candidature for a permanent seat/role in an expanded UN Security Council and for India’s early entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group also, US expressed interest to India’s integration to G-7 Defence Cooperation – Defence relationship has emerged as a major pillar of India-U.S. strategic partnership with the signing of ‘New Framework for India-U.S. Defence Relations’ in 2005. In 2014 US emerged as the top arms supplier to India by overtaking Russia. The U.S. categorized India as “a Major Defence Partner” in 2016 US moved India up into Tier-I of “Strategic Trade Authorization” for unlicensed export of sensitive Defence items to India. India conducts more exercises with US forces than with any other country – Yudh Abhyas, Vajra Prahar, etc. India US has signed the 4 Defence Foundational agreements. Strategic Convergence – Balancing China’s rise in the international system, and more particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, is a clear strategic convergence between India and the United States. The recently unveiled US Security Strategy recognizes India as a “leading global power” and “stronger strategic and defence partner” and seeks to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia, and India. Development of Indo-pacific – The US under its Pivot to Asia policy and Indo-Pacific Strategy views India as an ideal balancer to check the aggressive rise of China. Diaspora & people-to-people ties – Strength of Indian diaspora in US is around 4.5 million which is around 1% of its population. Indian Diaspora is acting as a catalyst to forge closer and stronger ties between India and the US. Collaboration in Science & Technology – a joint mission of ISRO and NASA is set to be launched in 2022, the world’s 1st dual-frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite. A bilateral Joint Working Group on Civil Space Cooperation provides a forum for discussion on joint activities in space. Counter-Terrorism – India-U.S. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation Initiative was signed in 2010 to expand collaboration on counterterrorism, information sharing and capacity building US helped India in designating Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist under UN Security Council Resolution 1267, and in placing Pakistan on grey-list of the Financial Action Task Force Cooperation in combating Covid-19 pandemic – India and the U.S have enhanced collaboration in R&D, especially in pharmaceuticals, therapeutics, and vaccine development Indian vaccine companies are collaborating with US based agencies to develop and produce a vaccine against COVID-19 on a rapid platform Challenges in India-US Relationship Challenges in balancing India’s multi-faceted relationships with Iran and Russia India has been forced to stop concessional oil imports from Iran and Russia, and these heavy-handed American tactics have led to sharp rise in India’s oil import bill India-US interests clashed when India decided to the Russian made S-400 Triumph missile defense system despite threats of American sanctions US-Pakistan Relationship – Despite Washington’s claims to having de-hyphenated its relations with India and Pakistan, the US has not been able to extricate itself from the liabilities of its complex alliance with Pakistan. Trade Disputes – US recently removed India from its Generalized System of Preference (GSP) program, of which India was a huge beneficiary US levied tariffs on steel and aluminium products impacting Indian exports India has been referred by the US, as “tariff king” that imposes “tremendously high” import duties. WTO disputes – India USA are involved in WTO disputes on issues like, Capping prices of medical devices by India, greater Indian market access for American agriculture and dairy products etc. IPR conflicts – India is also on U.S.’s “Priority Watch List” which identifies countries posing challenges to American intellectual property rights. Currency manipulator tag for India – Recently, the United States added India to the ‘monitoring list’ of currency manipulating countries. Internal Issues in India – criticism from the US Congress and some parts of US civil society is pushing the US administration to tell India
AntiMicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial Resistance Antimicrobials – including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitic – are medicines used to prevent and treat infections in humans, animals and plants. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines become ineffective and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health and development threat. It requires urgent multisectoral action in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WHO has declared that AMR is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials are the main drivers in the development of drug-resistant pathogens. Lack of clean water and sanitation and inadequate infection prevention and control promotes the spread of microbes, some of which can be resistant to antimicrobial treatment. The cost of AMR to the economy is significant. In addition to death and disability, prolonged illness results in longer hospital stays, the need for more expensive medicines and financial challenges for those impacted. Without effective antimicrobials, the success of modern medicine in treating infections, including during major surgery and cancer chemotherapy, would be at increased risk. Read Making India a biotech hub Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. JOIN NOW
International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022
International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022 The International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022 was organised by the Global Counter Terrorism Council (GCTC). Emergence of new “religiophobia”, especially against Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, is a matter of serious concern and needs to be recognised, just like Christianophobia, Islamophobia and anti-semitism, to bring a balance in discussions on such issues. In the past two years, several Member States have been trying to label terrorism into categories such as racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism, violent nationalism, right wing extremism, etc. Calling it a “dangerous” tendency, India said this goes against some of the accepted principles agreed to by all UN Member States in the recently adopted Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Read Also India and Terrorism India’s annual resolution on the issue of counter-terrorism was adopted by consensus in the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). India, a victim of state-sponsored cross-border terrorism, has been at the forefront in highlighting the serious threat to international peace and security emanating from acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by terrorist groups. India is a member of FATF whose objective is to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. Amid growing fears that terrorists will again nest in Afghanistan and increase attacks in Africa, India’s foreign minister has recently urged for the adoption of the convention. Read Also Bioterrorism Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now