The World Drug Report
The World Drug Report World Drug Report is published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Afghanistan is the largest producer of opium constituting 84% of global production. The main opiate trafficking flows originate from three key production areas: Afghanistan, Myanmar-Laos and Mexico-Colombia-Guatemala. In terms of heroin seizure (1.3 tonnes), India was at the 12th position in the world. Trafficking of drugs to India are mainly through 3 routes. The Golden Triangle [the area where the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet] to Bangladesh, crossing India. The Golden crescent the area spreading from Afghanistan,Iran and Pakistan crossing Indian border. The maritime trafficking routes from Myanmar along the Andaman Sea, which cross Indian territorial waters. Read Also New Visa order Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey.Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. contact us
Naga issue- Timeline
Nagaland Governor R.N. Ravi’s recent letter to the CM says ‘scenario in Nagaland is grim, law and order has collapsed’. There is no progress in finalising Naga peace accord since 2015. The Naga Hills became part of British India in 1881. The effort to bring scattered Naga tribes together resulted in the formation of the Naga Club in 1918, which told the Simon Commission in 1929 “to leave us alone to determine for ourselves as in ancient times”. The club metamorphosed into the Naga National Council (NNC) in 1946. Under the leadership of Angami Zapu Phizo, the NNC declared Nagaland as an independent State on August 14, 1947, and conducted a “referendum” in May 1951 to claim that 99.9% of the Nagas supported a “sovereign Nagaland”. On March 22, 1952, Phizo formed the underground Naga Federal Government (NFG) and the Naga Federal Army. The government of India sent in the Army to crush the insurgency and, in 1958, enacted the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act. The insurrection petered out by the mid-1970s, a peace accord between the government and the NNC was signed (Shimla Accord), but returned with more intensity in the form of the NSCN led by Mr Muivah and S.S. Khaplang. In 1997, the NSCN(I-M) signed a ceasefire agreement with the government. In 2015, the Naga Peace Accord, a framework agreement was signed, setting the stage for the ongoing peace talks. Read Also Nagaland peace accord Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join here
Criminalisation of Politics
Criminalisation of Politics According to recent findings, 46% of Members of Parliament have criminal records and among Loksabha MPs 29% are with serious declared criminal cases such as murder and rape. Researchers have found that such candidates with serious records seem to do well despite their public image, largely due to their ability to finance their own elections and bring substantive resources to their respective parties Voters view their candidates through the narrow prism of parochial interest such as caste, religion etc. No real choice for the voters to elect from. India is the only democratic country with a free press where we find a problem of this dimension. The growing criminalisation of politics is an unhealthy tendency in a maturing democracy. February 2020 SC judgement on Criminalisation of politics The judgement was on a contempt petition filed by advocate Ashwini Upadhyay about the general disregard shown by political parties to a 2018 Constitution Bench judgment (Public Interest Foundation v. Union of India) to publish the criminal details of their candidates in their respective websites and print as well as electronic media for public awareness. SC ordered political parties to publish the entire criminal history of their candidates for Assembly and Lok Sabha elections along with the reasons that goaded them to field suspected criminals over decent people. For the first time, the political party and its leadership would have to publicly own up to criminalisation of politics. The information should be published in a local as well as a national newspaper as well as the parties’ social media handles. It should mandatorily be published either within 48 hours of the selection of candidates or less than two weeks before the first date for filing of nominations, whichever is earlier, failing to whisk attracts contempt of court. The judgment is applicable to parties both at Central and State levels. Read SARTHAQ Other SC judgements addressing the criminalisation of politics In 2013 judgement SC removed the statutory protection for convicted legislators from immediate disqualification. In 2014 SC directed the completion of trials involving elected representatives within a time frame of a year. In 2017, asked the centre to appoint special courts to exclusively try cases against politicians. In 2018, directed political parties to publish the criminal antecedent of their candidate before public via newspaper, party website and social media. SC issued directions to ensure the asset disclosure and criminal records of candidates during filing of nominations and the incorporation of the ‘none of the above’ option in the voting machine. Read Also Hate Speech Way forward While judicial pronouncements on making it difficult for criminal candidates to contest are necessary, only enhanced awareness and increased democratic participation could create the right conditions for the decriminalisation of politics. Whatever progress made towards decriminalisation of politics were through the initiative of SC and Election Commission, a more meaningful effort from political parties and voters are needed. Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
Reconstitution of central zoo authority (CZA)
Reconstitution of central zoo authority (CZA) The Environment Ministry has reconstituted the Central Zoo Authority (CZA) to include an expert from the School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi, and a molecular biologist. The CZA is a statutory body chaired by the Environment Minister and tasked with regulating zoos across the country. CZA was established under wild life protection act of 1972. The main objective of Authority is to complement and strengthen the national effort in conservation of rich biodiversity of the country. The authority lays down guidelines and prescribes rules under which animals may be transferred among zoos nationally and internationally. Read Also Dibru Saikhowa National Park Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
New domicile rule in J&K
New domicile rule in J&K Before the abrogation of article 370 and article 35A, State of J&K gained special powers to define its ‘permanent residents’ and restrict land, educational and employment rights only to them. Subsequent to changes in article 370 and 35A, the concept of “permanent resident of the State” was discontinued in J&K. As per the new domicile rules, those persons and their children who have resided for 15 years in J&K, or have studied for seven years and appeared in the Class X or XII exam in an educational institution in the UT, are eligible for grant of domicile. The new domicile rule brings hope and respite to sections of people such as refugees from Pakistan, sanitary workers resettled from other parts of India, people belonging to SC & ST and Gorkha soldiers arrived their before independence. There is also concern about the new domicile rule that it will lead to large influx of migration to the region and fear of engineered demographic change under state initiative. But such fears are misplaced and movement of people would leads only to progress and prosperity. Read Also Delimitation Commision
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY)
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana PMGKAY Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana ( PMGKAY ) is part of Rs 1.70 Lakh Crore relief package under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana for the poor to help them fight the battle against Corona Virus. 80 crore poor people will to get 5 kg wheat or rice and 1 kg of preferred pulses for free every month till November as per the latest announcement by Prime Minister. As part of the scheme, the food needs of all the beneficiaries under the public distribution system (TPDS) for Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and priority household (PHH) ration cardholders will be provided. Considered as the world’s largest food security scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana aims at ensuring sufficient food the poor and needy during the coronavirus crisis. Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
Chabahar Port Project
Chabahar port Chabahar port located in gulf of Oman is a seaport in the southeastern Iran. Chabahar port agreement is a trilateral agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan to develop railroad connectivity linking Chabahar port of Iran to Zahedan, across afghan borders. The project was conceived in 2003 during the prime ministership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. However, the project did not materialise due to U.S sanctions on Iran. The project was revived under the initiative of PM Narendra Modi. According to the 2016 MoUs, India would be granted a 10-year lease to develop and operate two terminals and five berths, access to the Chabahar free trade zone, and the opportunity to build the 628 km rail line from Chabahar to Zahedan, just across the border from Afghanistan. Iranian government decision to proceed with the construction on its own, dropping India, citing delays from the Indian side in funding and starting the project is a setback. India’s loss in failing to develop the Chahbahar project is China’s gain. While India’s influences is waning, China and Iran are in an advanced stage of finalising the 25 year strategic partnership agreement that would allow China to expand its presence in banking, telecommunications, ports, railways and several other sectors in the Islamic Republic in return for heavily discounted oil. Read Also Privatisation of Indian Railways Geo-Strategical importance of Chabahar port Chabahar project was a reflection of India’s commitment to the peace and stability of Afghanistan and the age old ties with Iran. Chabahar port is considered as the gateway for India to Central Asia upto Moscow for trade , energy and connectivity. It opens access to landlocked Afghanistan circumventing troublesome Pakistan. Chabahar port situated in gulf of Oman not far from the Strait of Hormuz, through which the bulk of the world’s energy supplies pass. The port is easily accessible from India’s western coast and is increasingly seen as the counter to Pakistan’s Gwadar port where Chinese ships sustain anchorage. The Chabahar port is also seen as a feeder port to the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) that has sea, rail and road routes between India, Russia, Iran, Europe, and Central Asia. Read India-Afghanistan Relations Way forward India should maintain its strategic autonomy in its relationship with Iran vis-a-vis U.S.A. Delay in project implementation due to American sanctions heavily cost India in its ties with Iran. Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
PRAGYATA Guidelines on Digital Education
COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal life including school education. The spread pandemic has led to the closure of schools and has impacted over 240 million children of the country who are enrolled in schools. Extended closure of schools may have caused a loss of learning among students. To mitigate the impact school education has to be remodelled and revamped. Digital education is considered the most convenient method in this regard. Advantages of digital education While digital / online education cannot replace classroom education, it has following advantages. It allows flexible and personalized learning at the speed of the learner. Digital content an be continuously augment and delivered to much larger audience through digital means conveniently. It facilitate education at finger tip without movement of children outside their home. The rapid increase in internet penetration and various government initiatives such as Digital India campaign have created a conducive environment for moving towards digital education. Read Also Chabahar Port Project Government initiative to promote digital education PM e-Vidya by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), is a national campaign which will unify all efforts related to digital/online/on-air education. This included DIKSHA (one nation – one digital platform), TV (one class-one channel), SWAYAM (online MOOCS on various topics), IITPAL (platform for exam preparation), AIR (through community radio and CBSE Shiksha Vani podcast) Study materials for differently abled students developed by NIOS. Read Free GS Notes Challenges Screen time : Children exposed to digital technologies/gadgets for a longer time are prone to severe health issues. Cyber safety and security : children are vulnerable and easy target for cyber crimes and their digital privacy is a concern Mental and physical health and well-being : children have been complaining of postural defects, ophthalmic issues, and other physical problems owing to long hours before digital screens. Digital divide : Unequal access to technology among different sections of society makes online education inaccessible and discriminative. Digital infrastructure inadequacy: Poor internet penetration in rural and remote areas limits the scope of digital education. PRAGYATA Guidelines for digital education PRAGYATA Guidelines focus on all stakeholders such as teachers, parents and students separately. The PRAGYATA guidelines include eight steps of online/ digital learning that is, Plan- Review- Arrange- Guide- Yak(talk)- Assign- Track- Appreciate. These steps guide the planning and implementation of digital education step by step with examples. Age-appropriate schedule for digital education to avoid long hours of screen time and excess use of gadgets. Emphasis the need to unify all efforts related to digital/ online/on-air education, benefitting school going children across the country. For parents, the guideline helps to understand the need for physical, mental health and wellbeing along with the cyber safety measures for children at home. Emphasis on balanced online and offline activities keeping the screen time as an essential parameter. Stress on inclusiveness, i.e no one is lest behind due unequal access to technology. Conclusion While digital education is the most effective way for continuing education during lockdown period, a country like India characterised by multifarious diversity and constraints in terms of availability of resources (ICT infrastructure, electricity, budget, skilled manpower) switching over to digital modes of education is full of challenges. The guidelines emphasis on continuous learning while addressing the challenges in digital education. Read Also World Bank’s STARS project Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
Defence Acquisition Council
Defence Acquisition Council Defence Acquisition Council gave approval of 38,900 crore worth deals, amid the ongoing tensions on India -China border. DAC, under the chairmanship of Defence Minister was constituted for overall guidance of the defence procurement planning process. Objective of DAC is to ensure expedite and timely procurement of the approved requirements of armed force. In-principle approval of 15 Year Long-Term Integrated Perspective Plan for Defence Forces. Categorisation of the acquisition proposals relating to ‘Buy’, ‘Buy & Make’ and ‘Make’. The deal includes ‘Pinaka’ , an indigenous all weather fire free Artillery rocket. Astra a beyond visual range class air to air missile for fighter aircraft designed by DRDO. Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Pakistan Prime minister made a statement that Pakistan is to move forward CPEC at all costs. The CPEC ( China Pakistan Economic Corridor) is a collection of infrastructure and other projects under construction throughout Pakistan since 2013. Originally valued at $46 billion, the projects were worth $62 billion as of 2017. The CPEC, which connects Gwadar Port in Pakistan’s Balochistan with China’s Xinjiang province, is the flagship project of China“s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative. India has protested to China over the CPEC as it is being laid through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and is a violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of our nation. The BRI was launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he came to power in 2013. It aims to link Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Gulf region, Africa and Europe with a network of land and sea routes. The BRI is seen as an attempt by China to further its influence abroad with infrastructure projects funded by Chinese investments all over the world. Read Also Balochistan liberation Army India China Relations Enroll today with the best civils service academy and take your first step towards your Civils journey. Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries, collaborations, or support. We’re here to help. join now