

Post Mauryan Era

Post Mauryan Era UPSC

Sungas founder of the Sunga dynasty was Pushyamitra Sunga, who was the commander-in-chief under the Mauryas a most important challenge to the Sunga rule was to protect north India against the invasions of the Bactrian Greeks from the northwest Greeks…

The Vedic Culture, Jainism And Buddhism

Vedic Culture UPSC

The Vedic Culture Around thisvedic culture period, the speakers of the Indo-Aryan language, Sanskrit, entered north-west India from the Indo-Iranian region. As they were mainly cattle keeping people, they were mainly in search of pastures. By 6th century B.C., they occupied…

Imperial Cholas

Imperial Cholas UPSC

Imperial Cholas After the decline of the Sangam period, the Cholas became feudatories in Uraiyur. They became prominent in the ninth century and established an empire comprising the major portion of South India. Their capital was Tanjore. also extended their sway…

Gupta Empire- The Golden Age of Ancient India

Gupta Empire Gupta Empire – Contemporary literary works like the Devichandraguptam and the Mudhrakshasam written by Visakadatta provide information regarding the rise of the Guptas Chinese traveller Fahien, who visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II, has left a…