Photon for Improving Quantum Technologies

Recently Scientists are working towards understanding the light emission down to a single elementary particle called photon for improving quantum technologies. Spontaneous emission can be tailored by precise engineering of the photon density of states of the elementary particles called photon using photonic structures or periodically ordered patterns; like that in a peacock feather.

  • These structures act as a powerful tool to control the emission and propagation of light. Hence, the emission properties of quantum emitters that can even emit single photons can be tailored for applications in high efficient lasers and quantum technologies.
  • Dr. Rajesh V.Nair, Associate Professor Department of Physics atIndian Institute of Technology-Ropar a recipient of this year’s SwarnaJayanti Fellowship of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India has achieved precise control on the light transport and emission using engineered photonic systems in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • In order to cater to the requirement of single photons for high emission speed in quantum communication, Dr. Nair aims to understand the light emission down to a single photon level from the precise atomic defects in solid-state materials through the Swarnajayanti Fellowship.
  • He proposes the emission studies of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers (nitrogen impurity atoms in a diamond crystal) embedded in photonic structures by modifying the photon density of states around the emitter. 
  • This is necessary for enhancing their R & D prospects in photonic quantum technologies and ultra-sensitive sensing.
  • Along with his group, he intends to understand the modification of single photons emission rate as well as the spin properties of NV centers resulting in better intensity and rate of emission readout by measuring the intensity. 
  • The controlled manipulation of single spins and photons using defect centers, such as the NV center, is the need of the hour and would place India as the forerunner in quantum technologies.

Swarnajayanti Fellowships:

Govt. of India had instituted a scheme “The Swarnajayanti Fellowships” to commemorate India’s fiftieth year of Independence. Under this scheme a selected number of young scientists, with proven track record, are provided special assistance and support to enable them to pursue basic research in frontier areas of science and technology. 

  • The fellowships are scientist specific and not institution specific, very selective and have close academic monitoring..
  • The award consists of a Fellowship of Rs 25000/- per month in addition to the salary drawn from the parent Institute along with a Research Grant of Rs 5 lakh per annum by Department of Science and Technology for a period of 5 years, while the project submitted by the selected Fellows will be considered for funding by the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) as per SERB norms, for recurring and non-recurring heads.
  • Scientists selected for the award will be allowed to pursue unfettered research with a freedom and flexibility in terms of expenditure as approved in the research plan. 
  • The project should contain innovative research idea and it should have a potential of making impact on R&D in the discipline.
  • The duration of the fellowship will be for a period not exceeding five years.