
Critical Tiger Habitat CWH

Critical Tiger Habitat – As per the report on tiger census that was released ahead of International Tiger Day on July 29 2020-India has seventy percent of the world’s tiger population and 50 tiger reserves in the country presently. Tigers were observed to be increasing at a rate of 6 percent per annum in India from 2006 to 2018

Importance of tiger conservation

  • Tiger is an umbrella species.
  • the only natural habitat for the iconic tiger species- the Bengal Tige
  • promotes ecotourism
  • Tiger needs large healthy forests so tiger conservation leads to forest conservation.
  • Tiger conservation boosts in Biodiversity conservation

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India Tiger conservation is regarded as a success model in the world. The Indian efforts in this line include

  • National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA)
  • Tiger census
  • Project Tiger
  • conservation Assured | Tiger Standards (CA|TS) framework extended to all fifty tiger reserves across the country.
  • Providing suitable habitat by declaring Tiger reserves
  • Declaration of Core which has the legal status of Wildlife Sanctuary or National Park. These areas are free of all forestry operations and human activities.

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Critical Tiger habitats (CWH)

  • Critical wildlife/Tiger habitats (CWH) are defined under the Forest Rights Act, 2006,
  • critical wildlife habitat means such areas of National Parks and Sanctuaries which are required to be kept as inviolate for the purposes of wildlife conservation
  • It is determined and notified by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests after an open process of consultation by an Expert Committee.

Issus with Critical Tiger habitats

  • It dilutes the FRA 2006
  • New guidelines have superseded free, prior, and informed consent of the gram sabha before declaring Critical Tiger habitats


  • Forest rights should be settled before declaring Critical Tiger habitats
  • There should be public consultation like in the case of Ecologically Sensitive areas.

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